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Briarverse Recap 3: Week of 7/6/20

Summer has not been as straightforward as Eaves and the rest of Basecamp 34 had hoped, but with some connectivity finally returning to Lion’s Heart, both he and Gavril have been able to reach out this past week with updates on their progress at the castle.


  • July 8, 2020: Eaves is Back
    • Eaves follows up with an update on their efforts to train the castle to trust them, which includes the Mountaineers’ suggestion of telling it stories. The castle seems to be responding to some of their renovations more positively than others, with “trickles of connectivity” flowing more readily when the castle is pleased. He sends greetings from Gavril and promises another update soon.


  • June 3, 2020: Are You There, Mounties? It’s Me, Eaves
    • In Eaves’s first post since April, we learn of the trouble Basecamp 34 has been having getting the castle to accept the technology they’ve been trying to introduce. He also follows up on the leylines and their connection to Fletcher Dawson and officially introduces everyone to his partner, Gavril, who is the only other member of BC34 who can see the BC33 forum.
  • July 3, 2020: Gavril
    • Gavril writes to the Mountaineers via Eaves’s account, to ensure that he is able to send messages as well as see them. He writes that Yuridia is working to better understand what is happening to the veil around them and that they are training the castle to accept modern technology.

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