This will be the first time I’ve fully revealed lore about the workings of the Briarverse outside of canonical books/experiences. Still, covens are a big ...
If you haven’t already, check out the Weatherwatch, Gossmere, Flinterforge, Ebenguard, and Thornmouth reveals to share your thoughts and read about how and why we structured guild skills ...
If you haven’t already, check out the Weatherwatch, Gossmere, Flinterforge, and Ebenguard reveals to share your thoughts and read about how and why we structured guild skills and archetypes ...
If you haven’t already, check out the Weatherwatch, Gossmere, and Flinterforge reveals to share your thoughts and read about how and why we structured guild ...
Check out yesterday’s Weatherwatch reveal for context about how and why we structured guild skills and archetypes the way we have. Next up is Gossmere! ...
Hello Mounties! I’m posting this, but Mike, fellow Mountainer and Neithernor RPG co-creator, wrote a fair chunk of this, and we worked together to refine ...