The New Community Fellowship
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The New Community Fellowship

You may or may not know that Ackerly Green has an initiative called The Community Fellowship. Originally the brainchild of @Augustus_Octavian, the Fellowship serves those in the community who can’t currently manage the cost of new books, merchandise, or memberships, allowing them to make private requests to the Fellowship. This project is important to me…

Neithernor RPG: Covens
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Neithernor RPG: Covens

This will be the first time I’ve fully revealed lore about the workings of the Briarverse outside of canonical books/experiences. Still, covens are a big part of the Neithernor RPG, and since they’ve only been briefly mentioned in the books, it bears exploration. This is a big one, so let’s dig in! Forming Your Coven…

Celebrating Imbolc

Celebrating Imbolc

Imbolc is one of several major seasonal holidays featured in the Briarverse books and shares much of its traditional significance in the pagan and Celtic holidays celebrated in the mundane world. Halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox, Imbolc is a celebration of spring. It marks a turning point in the calendar year—notice already…

NNRPG: Balimora Reveal
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NNRPG: Balimora Reveal

If you haven’t already, check out the Weatherwatch, Gossmere, Flinterforge,  Ebenguard, and Thornmouth reveals to share your thoughts and read about how and why we structured guild skills and archetypes the way we have. Next up, the Empaths of Balimora! Balimora was fun because there’s a lot of kinetic and action-oriented possibilities for a guild connected to change,…

NNRPG: Thornmouth Reveal
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NNRPG: Thornmouth Reveal

If you haven’t already, check out the Weatherwatch, Gossmere, Flinterforge, and Ebenguard reveals to share your thoughts and read about how and why we structured guild skills and archetypes the way we have. Next up, the Scholars of Thornmouth! Thornmouth was a bit of a challenge, though I always knew what Umbranor would be. The challenges were that: I…

NNRPG: Ebenguard Reveal
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NNRPG: Ebenguard Reveal

If you haven’t already, check out the Weatherwatch, Gossmere, and Flinterforge reveals to share your thoughts and read about how and why we structured guild skills and archetypes the way we have. Next up, my own guild, Ebenguard! Ebenguard was less of a challenge for me, simply because I have some pretty strong, defined ideas…