2019: Looking For a New Planner and Finding A New Way to Plan

2019: Looking For a New Planner and Finding A New Way to Plan

First, I’m going to be mentioning several products in this post, but we haven’t been sponsored by any of them. We don’t really do ads on Ackerly Green unless it’s for Ackerly Green. 🙂 If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I’m an avid believer in Bullet Journaling. The analog process of tracking…

I Had A Stroke

I Had A Stroke

So, I had a stroke on October 8th. We’d just come back from Matty’s birthday dinner with the kids. A wave of vertigo washed over me, and I noticed that my right arm felt strange. In the span of about five minutes, I lost all use of my arm, and it went completely numb. Luckily…

The Cabinet

The Cabinet

So, strange things continue in the offices of Ackerly Green, not that you’d expect anything less at this point. We’ve been receiving packages and letters from a handful of people, Mountaineers mainly, with strange stories and even stranger artifacts. The stories of how these objects came into their possession are all different, but all in…

May Publisher’s Diary

(Below are a collected month’s worth of posts from CJ’s private Publisher’s Diary, which is available to read live as a reward tier on Ackerly Green’s Patreon.) May 25th, 2018 – Memorial Day Weekend I discuss TMP, BoB, and all the surprising things happening this summer! May 9th, 2018 – Ackerly Green Changes All the…